The weekend has been long.
I skipped school Friday, with permission, to go to this district band thing.
All day I was playing my instrument.
It was amazing.
All day I was playing Saturday, as well.
And here I am, dreading a day of school tomorrow.
But hey.
I don't hate school at all.
In fact, I love school. So I'm not exactly dreading it, but I'm not exactly jumping up and down and pissing myself for it, either.
I just hate that I'll go there and be my anti-social self again. You can tell me it's my own fault, and I'll agree with you. Because it is.
I just have this problem with opening up to people, I guess. I comment and I have my opinions, a lot of opinions, I just don't voice those opinions and thoughts as much as others.
What's the point?
People judge you on everything you do.
So why give them yet another thing for their judgement?
Words are our own weapons.
Let's just say I'm waiting for the perfect moment to explode.